Friday, January 8, 2010

Year of the Tiger

The Chinese Zodiac has a cycle of 12 years.  Those of you born in 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998 can celebrate this year as your year.

You are the third sign of the Chinese Zodiac.  You are unpredictable, rebellious, colorful, powerful, passionate, daring, impulsive, vigorous, stimulating, sincere, affectionate, humanitarian, generous.

You can be restless, reckless, impatient, quick-tempered, obstinate, selfish, aggressive.

Enjoy your year.


  1. unFRIENDLY monster, he's talking about how he wants tart brainiac to birth one of their sons in the year of the tiger!
    hi doc steady!

  2. Wow Crafty, you got that from 4 words??? Scary

  3. Do not underestimate Crafty Hands... She's crafty in more ways than one!!!

  4. Linz, I am sorry to say that Doug [I know what you're thinking already!] has made your description upstairs incorrect about the Tiger years...

    He's the Tiger anomaly. Because he was born early January 1963, the Year of the Tiger had not ended yet and he was able to escape the Year of the Cat/Rabbit (weak!) by a smidge.

    However, he is not an anomaly if you're talking about "unpredictable", "rebellious", "colorful", "impulsive", "reckless", "impatient", "quick-tempered", and "aggressive".

    Just sayin'. :|

  5. Hao: No illegitimate Tigers! x-(

  6. :-O @ illegitimate tigers!

    And about Doug...snap. Why am I not surprised that Doug would defy even the norms of the Chinese Zodiac? Sigh. Hahaha! Doug's a blast! Potta potta potta kettle!

  7. Nets: So how'd you like waking up in Vegas? ;)

  8. Awe, thank you my friends. It was just cuz I remember what Tart Brainiac had mentioned to me about Doc Steady wanting children born in the years of the Tiger and Dragon....right? Well...if I don't have a decent memory and decent insight into what people say, then I may not be a very good I need to stay ontop of my skills! ;)

    Whoa Tart Brainiac. Your bro is like me...I escaped being a rooster, so I'm a monkey!!! Monkey...haha!!!

  9. Glad you like them so, Doc Steady! =) I'm relieved you're not offended or whatever.

  10. Wow, I got the best: stone, element and motto, rawwwwwwr.
